All files / packages/tools/src/eventDispatchers/touchEventHandlers touchStartActivate.ts

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Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import { state } from '../../store';
import { EventTypes } from '../../types';
import { setAnnotationSelected } from '../../stateManagement/annotation/annotationSelection';
import getActiveToolForTouchEvent from '../shared/getActiveToolForTouchEvent';
 * If the `touchStart` handler does not consume an event,
 * activate the creation loop of the active tool, if one is found for the
 * touch button pressed.
 * @param evt - The normalized touchStart event.
export default function touchStartActivate(
  evt: EventTypes.TouchStartActivateEventType
) {
  // If a tool has locked the current state it is dealing with an interaction within its own eventLoop.
  if (state.isInteractingWithTool) {
  const activeTool = getActiveToolForTouchEvent(evt);
  if (!activeTool) {
  if (state.isMultiPartToolActive) {
  if (activeTool.addNewAnnotation) {
    const annotation = activeTool.addNewAnnotation(evt, 'touch');